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About Us

Visentia Limited was founded in 2016 by a group of like-minded professionals who believed there was a better way to provide water treatment chemicals and services to New Zealand industries. The company’s tag line is “better water, better lives”. We live by this, we mean it, and we make our decisions based on this principle. 

Founded on the opinion that a business exists to serve the needs of customers and employees first and foremost, Visentia strives to maintain an environment where people are supported, and where work is fun. 

In practical terms, this translates to not overworking staff, carefully listening to each other, encouraging new ideas and innovation, being quick to adopt new technologies, and removing bureaucracy and inefficient processes wherever we can. 

We challenge everything, and we will gladly abandon the status quo if it does not deliver the value that our employees and/or our customers deserve. We believe these principles are not only good for people’s lives and the water we treat, but that they are the way to sustain and further develop a successful and vibrant business.