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021 059 8061


Alicia Earle

Water Treatment Consultant

Auckland-based Alicia Earle specialises in servicing our clients in the Food and Beverage industry and Hospitals. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree, and has been part of the Visentia team since 2016.

For Alicia, the role is rewarding because the work we do every day not only optimises our customers’ processes, it also reduces their carbon footprint.

In manufacturing and production, the use of energy-efficient and/or water-efficient techniques all directly lead to a reduced environmental impact, and Alicia also points out that there is less plastic dumped into the landfill because of our new solid’s technology.

With two young children and her work, there isn’t much room for other interests, but Alicia enjoys reading a good book and she loves to travel. She also makes time to exercise, and keeps fit by regularly attending her local Bootcamp classes.