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027 479 2250


Chris Blow

Water Treatment Consultant

Chris Blow started working in industrial  water treatment in London in 1992, maintaining commercial cooling towers. He moved into the industry with service roles, both in the UK and NZ, then progressed into Sales Representative and Area Manager roles. Over the years, Chris has developed a keen interest in Equipment, and he has overseen many upgrades for customers.

Now based out of Auckland, Chris is an Independent Qualified Person for Cooling Towers registered with Auckland Council. He has a strong interest in our industry’s Health & Safety processes, as it is important to him to help prevent harm to himself and others. Besides his Certificate in IQP, Chris holds a Level 4 Certificate in OHS (National Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety).

As one of Visentia’s knowledgeable Water Treatment Consultants, he enjoys helping customers improve their water systems through equipment automation. It is important to Chris to develop and maintain strong and long-term relationships with customers, and he does this by providing good results and by his ongoing focus on work-safe practices.

When not at work, Chris enjoys watching the Burnley Football Club who are based in Lancashire, England, and he plays in a 7-a-side football team to keep fit and have fun. From time to time, he enjoys a good beer, and he also likes to relax by going for walks on the beach with his family including the dog.