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027 571 2226


Finlay Cowan

Water Applications Engineer

Finlay Cowan is based in Southland. At Otago University, Finlay concentrated on energy studies and electronics, and he also has a Dip Grad in Computer Science. His interest in water treatment was sparked during his time at university, and he has been with Visentia since 2017. 

A large portion of his area consists of dairy sites in Southland and South Otago, varying from brand new to the oldest in the region. He enjoys working with the customer, to not only find out what they want and need, but to get the most out of their water treatment programme.

He says the best part of working for Visentia is a combination of the flexibility our people have, along with the constant learning opportunities that are available in numerous fields, as we get to know the customers’ water treatment needs and goals.

In his work, Finlay gained valuable experience dealing with a variety of customers from dairy sites to cool stores, and to more commercial buildings. On his days off, he enjoys keeping up with all that’s new in Technology and gets out to the Catlins for a relaxing day fishing.